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B85          Brennan, F.
    The fruitcake special and other stories [Текст] / F. Brennan ; Series editor: P.Prowse. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. – 78 p. – (Cambridge English Readers; Level 4). – 21.00.

   Cambridge University Press is respected worldwide for its commitment to advancing knowledge, education, learning and research. Founded on a royal charter granted to the University by King Henry VIII in 1534, it is the oldest Press in the world and has been operating continuously as a printer and publisher since the first Press book was printed in 1584.Our spread of publishing covers virtually every educational subject seriously studied in the English-speakiing world, with professional books, bibles, journals, textbooks, monographs, reference works, software and electronic publishing and of course, English Language Teaching publications, through Cambridge ELT.Cambridge ELT is one of the world's leading English Language Teaching publishers, with a number of market-leading courses and supplementary materials for learners of English in all age groups. We continue to lead the way in the development of new materials for teachers and students across a range of platforms, including online, interactive whiteboard and mobile phone applications.

ISBN 0-521-78365-8УДК 811.111
ББК Ш1.2Англ-93


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