Welcome to Ukraine Magazine [Текст]. № 3-4 (38). – Kyiv, 2006. – журнал.
Welcome to Ukraine Magazine is a quarterly designed to give foreign readers a wide range of information about Ukraine, running articles on history, culture, economy and politics, and supplying relevant news items of significance. WU targets the English-language readership from many walks of life, the curios and business-minded included. WU tries to present various points of view on the most sensitive issues of the past and of today, avoiding bias or partisanship.WU gives much of its space to art and architecture, and on the ways of unwinding as well, with potential tourists in mind, lavishly providing info on the best hotels and resorts, tourist itineraries, and tourist companies. All the articles are enhanced with a choice selection of photographs in vibrant colour. WU is the magazine to read to get the true feel of what Ukraine is today in all of its amazing diversity. WU is quarterly, published by International Tourism Publishing House since 1994; up to 150 pages each issue, with print-run of 20,000 copies.